Creating the new premium
Traditionally swimming goggles fitted into two categories: racing goggles which were uncomfortable but performed well at speed; and comfortable goggles which performed poorly at speed. Speedo saw the opportunity to create a premium goggle with refined comfort and performance without compromise. A goggle that raises the bar in terms of styling and craftsmanship.

Working with Speedo’s Aqualab we integrated Speedo’s first-ever 3D goggle seal, specially designed from global head scanning research. Two gender specific forms were created that had optimum leak resistance with minimal tensioning. Comfort, performance and no goggle marks.

“We’ve drawn on our years of expertise of working with swimmers to improve and evolve our goggle range to be the most desirable and effective available on the market."
Innovation Director, Speedo

Our in-depth research and analysis helped to define the level of appetite for a premium goggle and the features that would potentially make it successful. These included increased field of vision, anti-fog, precision adjustment, comfort over time, performance on the turns and a dynamic look.